
Stichococcus bacillaris

info:Name - Stichococcus bacillaris

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Strain number by isolator - SB-2; AL-9/682

Date of collecting - 6.1982

Collecting site - Gulf of Gdańsk near Gdynia

General habitat - brackish

Isolator - Adam Latała

Identifier - Adam Latała

Culture medium - f/2, 8 psu

Literature - Nadim Hamoud 1990. PhD thesis: Wpływ zasolenia, temperatury i światła na wzrost i morfologię zielenic planktonowych z Zatoki Gdańskiej, Latała A. 1991. Effects of salinity, temperature and light on the growth and morphology of green planktonic algae - Oceanologia, 31, 119-138, Latała A., Surosz W. 1998. The effect of salinity on toxic influence of heavy metals towards planktonic green algae. - Biologia, Bratislava, 53 (4), 547-555, Latała A., Surosz W. 1999. Growth of four planktonic algae from brackish water in the presence of heavy metals. - Pol. Arch. Hydrobiol., 46(2), 131-154, Latała A. 2003. Autecological characteristic of some algal strains from Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) – [In]: N. Lima, D. Smith (eds) Biological Resource Centers and the Use of Microbes, Micoteca da Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, ISBN: 972-97916-3-5, pp. 323-345, Latała A., Jodłowska S., Pniewski F. 2006. Culture Collection of Baltic Algae (CCBA) and characteristic of some strains by factorial experiment approach - Archiv für Hydrobiologie 165, Algological Studies 122, 137-154

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